Embracing the Reggio Emilie approach  - Joyful learning

Embracing the Reggio Emilie approach - Joyful learning



There are important guides set down by the Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). They provide guidance, resources and services to support early learning centres to improve outcomes for children. Through the National Quality Framework, our centre is bound by law to focus on the seven standards set out by ACEQA.

More than following rules and regulations 
Our Family Handbook sets out our philosophy to be a part of a child's extended family. We are committed to ensuring that we provide the foundations for future growth through warm, nurturing and safe educational environments. We are constantly looking towards the future, imagining how to develop a child's cognitive, emotional and physical capabilities. Embracing the seven NQF standards within a Reggio Emilia approach is a natural progression for us to utilise one of the best early learning approaches in the world.
The approach is not about following a 'recipe' but a way of continuously focusing on how "children are born with amazing potential and capacities: curiosity, a drive to understand, the ability to wait, to wonder and to be amazed, the capacity to express themselves in many ways." As a result, as educators and parents we join together in deeply collaborative ways to nurture these capacities in all children.

We have joined the Reggio Emilia Australia
Information Exchange (REAIE), a national reference organisation for the educational project of Reggio Emilia in Australia. REAIE believes that the Reggio Emilia approach demonstrates what is possible when a society that values human potential, relationships and the power of imagination, educates its children. Such an approach enables us to focus on standards in an deeply creative way.